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中央政府門戶網站 www.prettygoddess.com   2008年03月13日   來源:人大會議中心




    周 濟 教育部部長、黨組書記

    孫霄兵 教育部政法司司長

    姜沛民 教育部基礎司司長

    王月娥 全國人大代表、湖北省陽新縣王英鎮希望小學教師

    拜秀花 全國人大代表、青海省西寧市回族中學副校長





No. 39

    Group Interview of Minister Zhou Ji of Education

    At 9:00a.m on March 14th, 2008, Minister Zhou Ji of Education, relevant officials in charge from the Ministry of Education and some NPC deputies will take a group interview on "Equal Access to Education" at the Press Center (Multifunction Room, the Media Center). Journalists from China and abroad are welcome to attend.

    They are:

    Zhou Ji (Minister of Education)

    Sun Xiaobing (Director General, Department of Policy, Laws and Regulations, Ministry of Education)

    Jiang Peimin (Director General, Department of Basic Education, Ministry of Education)

    Wang Yue’e (NPC Deputy, Teacher from Hope Primary School, Wangying Town, Yangxin County, Hubei Province)

    Bai Xiuhua (NPC Deputy, Vice Principal, Xining Hui Middle School, Xining City, Qing Hai Province)

    There will be no interpretation service for the group interview. Please raise your questions in Chinese.


    1stSession of the 11thNPC

    March 13th, 2008
